Friday, August 21, 2009

Where no man has gone before...

I have been thinking about the Star Trek movie for a while now.

My first train of thought brought me to question where the creators were really going with the story line. A lot of action happens, but really the entire stage is simply set for the true store - the love story between Kirk and Spock.

The basis is there in the old series for this new found 'bromance' - their relationship developed probably more in the film series than in the TV series of Star Trek. Things like the much cliched "I am and always will be your friend". Bromance.

But then I got thinking further - there must be more to it than this! The Star Trek Movie (11) was heralded as a triumph by many - dubbed the "Star Wars" of this generation (don't get me started on that). So there must be more going on than a simple fan fiction come to life.

Then it struck me - who is Kirk? He is a headstrong, impulsive charismatic leader - he is be any standard the Quarterback, or the Captain (excuse the obviousness).

Who is Spock? In this movie more than any other he is the outcast, the geek with the silly haircut who relies more on book learnin' than street smarts. Spock is a nerd.

So what does the Star Trek Movie (11) show us? Well it is a love affair between Nerds and Jocks. Terms that seem so archaic in today's society that they hark back to the days when Star Trek was actually new. So maybe this was always the formula - to combine nerds with jocks and try to explore that valley between the two. Where the brain and the brawn can come together to truly make a better world. That unexplored space of our psyche... where no man has - you know what? I can't even cliche myself to say it.